
5 Tips for successfully Training Your New Puppy

Choose a Training Method

First things first, choose a training method that aligns with your values and goals. There are many different approaches to training, from positive reinforcement to more punishmentbased methods. Consider what you want to achieve with your training and choose a method that feels comfortable and effective for you.

Decide on a Training Schedule

Next, decide on a training schedule. Puppies have short attention spans, so it's best to keep training sessions short and sweet.

Set a Training Frequency

Start with five to ten minute sessions several times a day, and gradually increase the length as your puppy gets older. Keep in mind that puppies have a lot of energy, so it's important to provide plenty of physical and mental stimulation through play, walks, and training.

Basic Commands

Now it's time to choose some basic commands to work on. "Sit," "stay," and "come" are great starters, as they can be useful in a variety of situations. Start with one command at a time, and use treats and praise to reinforce good behavior. As your puppy starts to understand the commands, gradually fade out the treats and rely more on praise.

Set Boundaries and Rules

It's also important to set boundaries and rules for your puppy from the start. Decide on a designated spot for your puppy to relieve themselves, and establish rules for where they are and aren't allowed to go in the house. Consistency is key, so make sure everyone in the household is on the same page when it comes to enforcing the rules.

Addition Tip

Deworm your Puppy regularly with Prazimedivet to avoid risk arising from growth of worms

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